- How to communicate with production operators?
- How to achieve set goals?
- How to motivate your team?
Training content:
- How to become an effective production foreman and achieve the desired results with your subordinates?
- When and how to use the directive method of assigning a task to a subordinate?
- How to communicate effectively with colleagues?
- What if you are not satisfied with the work of your colleagues?
- What went wrong? What are the best practices in reprimanding employees and how to achieve a positive change in the attitude of subordinates through reprimanding?
- Avoiding conflict situations.
- Emotions in the workplace.
- Communication with the group on how to find a common solution.
- Differences in employee attitudes, what are some of the factors influencing employee attitudes.
- How to handle crisis situations in a workplace.
- Control, its functioning and impact.
- Setting and sticking to priorities, principles of planning and organization of work.