Outplacement / Downsizing

Outplacement / Downsizing

The main mission of outplacement projects is to support employees dismissed in the phase of (mass) redundancies or restructuring of the company and successfully guide them through the process of preparation for a new career or place of work. Treat your employees to a professional consultation with professionals, recruiters, psychologists, and lawyers. Employees get an overview of the job market and vacancies, new challenges, and current trends in job search, as well as an advice on creating a CV and preparing for a successful job interview.


What do you get?:

  • sustained good reputation even in times of downsizing or company restructuring
  • individual SWOT analysis for employees
  • employees’ positive attitude towards the company and their commitment to the company until the end of their employment relationship



Initial Phase:

  • introductory interview with employees and introduction session
  • personal SWOT analysis prepared together with the employee, future candidate
  • support in the preparation of the SWOT analysis through online psychodiagnostic assessment
  • brainstorming and market monitoring focused on new target segments, potential employers
  • setting up a strategy on how to present oneself to potential future employers


Then the intensive phase of placing the employee in the labor market commences:

  • 3 months of comprehensive candidate support (in person, by phone, or online)
  • preparation for possible challenges emerging in the process of finding a job,
    consultation of arisen situations, discussion of the results of completed interviews
  • active assignments and tasks for the candidate
  • 6 months of intensive search for candidate placement options in the job market


More information will be kindly provided by

+421 (0)915 065 243

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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    Company (required)

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    Your phone (required)


    The main mission of outplacement projects is to support employees dismissed in the phase of (mass) redundancies or restructuring of the company and successfully guide them through the process of preparation for a new career or place of work. Treat your employees to a professional consultation with professionals, recruiters, psychologists, and lawyers. Employees get an overview of the job market and vacancies, new challenges, and current trends in job search, as well as an advice on creating a CV and preparing for a successful job interview.


    What do you get?:

    • sustained good reputation even in times of downsizing or company restructuring
    • individual SWOT analysis for employees
    • employees’ positive attitude towards the company and their commitment to the company until the end of their employment relationship



    Initial Phase:

    • introductory interview with employees and introduction session
    • personal SWOT analysis prepared together with the employee, future candidate
    • support in the preparation of the SWOT analysis through online psychodiagnostic assessment
    • brainstorming and market monitoring focused on new target segments, potential employers
    • setting up a strategy on how to present oneself to potential future employers


    Then the intensive phase of placing the employee in the labor market commences:

    • 3 months of comprehensive candidate support (in person, by phone, or online)
    • preparation for possible challenges emerging in the process of finding a job,
      consultation of arisen situations, discussion of the results of completed interviews
    • active assignments and tasks for the candidate
    • 6 months of intensive search for candidate placement options in the job market


    More information will be provided by

    +421 (0)915 065 243

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

      Name (required)

      Company (required)

      Your email (required)

      Your phone (required)


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