Tax Specialist

Locality: Košice
Starting dates: by agreement
Type of employment:
Id: 14716

Information about the position:

Preparation and submission of VAT tax returns, control and summary VAT statements for a group of
three companies in Slovakia and also two companies in Austria
Comprehensive management of tax and customs matters for four Slovak, one Czech and two Austrian
Calculation of corporate income tax and preparation of tax returns for three Slovak companies, as well
as control of corporate income tax calculations for 3 foreign entities (Austria & CZ) in cooperation with
day consultants.
Control of accounts from a tax perspective and support of individual departments of the company and
the shared services center.
Preparation and submission of tax returns for excise taxes, motor vehicle tax and real estate tax.
Informing colleagues about current tax issues through presentations within the company.


Variable wage component
Fixed 13th salary paid in two installments
Meal allowance beyond the scope of the law 
Allowance for traveling to work 
Vacation beyond the scope of the law - min. 25 days for all employees
Additional allowances beyond the scope of the law + Remuneration at work anniversary
Contribution to III. pension savings pillar up to EUR 60 per month
Supplement for loss of income due to incapacity for work
Contributions for various life events and social assistance in case of emergency
Days off for special events (wedding, birth of a child,...)
Vocational training, education and support in your career development
Social and sports company activities, Multisport card
Reassessment of salary min. 1x a year
A program focused on the health of employees, we provide medical examinations, psychotests
Referral program – reward for recommending a candidate
Allowances for employee recreation


starts from 2000€/monthly + 13th salary + %bonus


Vysokoškolské I. stupňa,Vysokoškolské II. stupňa,Vysokoškolské III. stupňa

Language Skills

English: Upper intermediate (B2), Slovak: Advanced (C1)

Other skills

Completed university education in economics
3 years of experience in a similar position, ideally in a multinational company with a shared services
Detailed knowledge of tax issues
Basics of accounting
English language – B2
MS office - Excel, Word Power Point - advanced user
SAP - an advantage


Contact person: Jana Salvi
Phone: 421948948153

Tax Specialist / ID: 14716

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Privacy Policy * I hereby certify that I agree with providing data from my CV and documents proving my education containing my personal data. I agree that the company BALANCED HR s.r.o., registered office:Mlynské nivy 48, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovakia, Company ID No.: 47 078 171 may process my personal data pursuant to Act No. 122/2013 Coll. of Law about Personal Data Security and may provide them to third parties – interested parties in employees for open job positions for the purposes of employment mediation and may include my personal data into HR database for potential interested parties in employess for specific job positions. The agreement is given for definite period of 3 years from the date the agreement was given. The agreement may be revoked by the aggrieved person sending a reason- free written notice at any time.

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