Innovation, responsibility and complexity in services
These are the three pillars on which we have built Balanced HR company and which helped us to rank among the TOP 10 big HR agencies in Slovakia in less than three years. At the head of the company there are enthusiastic people, who have many years of experience in the Human Resource and Personnel Development industry. We have combined our market expertise and experience together in the HR segment to bring you the best offers in the areas of Recruitment, Executive Search, HR Consulting, Training and Development and other personnel solutions.
Inovácie, zodpovednosť a komplexný servis
Na týchto troch pilieroch sme vystavali spoločnosť Balanced HR a aj vďaka tomu sme sa za menej ako tri roky vypracovali medzi TOP 10 veľkých HR agentúr na Slovensku. V čele spoločnosti stoja zapálení ľudia, ktorí majú za sebou mnohoročné skúsenosti v oblasti personalistiky. Spojili sme vynikajúcu znalosť trhu a poznatky z dlhodobého pôsobenia v HR sektore, aby sme vám priniesli top ponuku a servis v oblastiach ako recruitment, executive search, HR konzultácie, tréning a rozvoj a ďalšie personálne riešenia.